Australian Rheumatology Association Database
Chen J, Makovey J, Lassere M, Buchbinder R, March L. Comparative effectiveness of anti-tumor necrosis factor drugs on health-related quality of life among patients with inflammatory arthritis. Arthritis Care Res. 2014;66(3): 464-472.
Williams M, Buchbinder R, March L, Lassere M. The Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2011;40(4):e2-e3.
Staples M, March L, Lassere M, Reid C, Buchbinder R. Health-related quality of life and continuation rate on first-line anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy among rheumatoid arthritis patients from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Rheumatology. 2011;50(1):166-75.
Buchbinder R, March L, Lassere M, Briggs AM, Portek I, Reid C, Meehan A, Henderson L, Wengier L, van den Haak R. Effect of treatment with biological agents for arthritis in Australia: the Australian Rheumatology Association Database. Int Med J. 2007;37(9):591-600.
Posters & Oral Presentations
Witts M, Buchbinder R, Lester S, Chand V, Barrett C, Black R, Lassere M, March L, Kubler P, Hill C, Robinson P. Patient perspectives of DMARD monitoring in Australians with inflammatory arthritis. Int J Rheum Dis. 2024;27(S2). Special Issue: 2024 Joint ARA and NZRA Annual Scientific Meeting, 18–21 May 2024, Te Pae, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Bryant M, Black R, Lester S, Chand V, Barrett C, Buchbinder R, Lassere M, March L, Hill C. Adaptation and external validation of Commissioning for Quality in Rheumatoid Arthritis-PREM (CQRA-PREM). Int J Rheum Dis. 2024;27(S2). Special Issue: 2024 Joint ARA and NZRA Annual Scientific Meeting, 18–21 May 2024, Te Pae, Christchurch, New Zealand.​
Pisaniello HL, Lester S, Russell O, Black R, Tieu J, Richards B, Barrett C, Lassere M, March L, Buchbinder R, Hill C, Whittle S. Poorer pain-related health status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis correlates with an increase in hospitalizations and mortality: A prospective cohort analysis using the Australian Rheumatology Association Database. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Hobart 2023.
Pisaniello HL, Lester S, Russell O, Black R, Tieu J, Richards B, Barrett C, Lassere M, March L, Buchbinder R, Whittle S, Hill C. Trajectories of self-reported pain-related health outcomes and the association with sociodemographic factors and medication use in rheumatoid arthritis: A prospective cohort analysis using the Australian Rheumatology Association Database. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Hobart 2023.
Russell O, Lester S, Black R, Lassere M, Barrett C, March L, Lynch T, Buchbinder R, Hill C. The effect of area-level socioeconomic status (SES) on functional status in Australian rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients: data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2022.
Lynch T, Sinnathurai P, Buchbinder R, Hill C, Russell O, Lester S, Black R, Barrett C, Carroll G, Lassere M, March L. Predictors of discordant prescription medication self-report in the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) cohort. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2022.
Russell O, Lester S, Black R, Lassere M, Barrett C, March L, Lynch T, Buchbinder R, Hill C. Effect of socioeconomic status (SES) on opioid and glucocorticoid use in Australian rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients: a medicine dispensing analysis using data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2022.
Fletcher A, March L, Lassere M, Hill C, Barrett C, Carroll G and Buchbinder R. Australian psoriatic arthritis (PsA) biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (bDMARD) treatment pathways: A combined Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) analysis. ACR Convergence 2021; 2021; San Francisco, USA.
Fletcher A, March L, Lassere M, Hill C, Barrett C, Carroll G and Buchbinder R. Australian psoriatic arthritis (PsA) biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (bDMARD) treatment pathways: A combined Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) analysis. Cabrini Reseach Forum 2021; 2021; Melbourne.
Fletcher A, March L, Lassere M, Hill C, Barrett C, Carroll G and Buchbinder R. Australian psoriatic arthritis (PsA) biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (bDMARD) treatment pathways: A combined Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) analysis. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting; 2021; Sydney.
Rischin A, Liew D, Black R, Fletcher A, Buchbinder R, Lassere M, March L, Robinson P and Hill C. Healthcare access and attitudes towards telehealth during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic among an Australian cohort with inflammatory arthritis. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting; 2021; Sydney.
Black R, Lester S, Tieu J, Sinnathurai P, Barrett C, Buchbinder R, Lassere M, March L, Proudman S and Hill C. Mortality Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Australian Rheumatology Association Database Participants. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting; 2021; Sydney.
Mittinty M, Mittinty N, Buchbinder R, Lassere M, Chand V, March L and Hill C. A perspective on dyadic coping from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting; 2021; Sydney.
Quinlivan A, Lester S, Barrett C, Whittle S, Rowett D, Black R, Chand V, Marine F, March L, Sinnathurai P, Buchbinder R and Hill C. Attitudes of Australians with inflammatory arthritis to biologic therapy and biosimilars. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting; 2021; Sydney.
Lyon A, Quinlivan A, Lester S, Barrett C, Whittle S, Marine F, Rowett D, Black R, Sinnathurai P, March L, Buchbinder R and Hill C. Vaccination rates, perceptions and information sources utilised by Australian patients with inflammatory arthritis. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting; 2021; Sydney.
Venter G, Tieu J, Black R, Lester S, Leonardo N, Whittle S, Hoon E, Barrett C, Rowett D, Buchbinder R, Hill C. Perspectives of glucocorticoid use in a cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting; 2020.
Fletcher A, March L, Lassere M, Hill C, Barrett C, Carroll G and Buchbinder R. Australian Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Biologic Treatment Pathways: An Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) Analysis. ACR/ARP Annual Meeting; 2019; Atlanta, USA.
Fletcher A, March L, Lassere M, Hill C, Barrett C, Carroll G and Buchbinder R. Australian Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Biologic Treatment Pathways: An Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) Analysis. Australasian Epidemiological Association 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting; Brisbane.
Fletcher A, Lassere M, March L, Buchbinder R, Lester S, Barrett C, Carroll G, Black R, Richards B and Hill C. Socioeconomic Differences in Opioid Use by People with Inflammatory Arthritis: data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australasian Epidemiological Association 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting; Brisbane.
Lassere M, Fletcher AS, Black R, Barrett C, Carroll G, Lester S, Richards B, March L, Buchbinder R and Hill C. Socioeconomic Differences in Opioid Use by People with Inflammatory Arthritis: data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). NSW ARA; 2019; Sydney.
Fletcher AS, Lassere M, March L, Buchbinder R, Lester S, Barrett C, Carroll G, Black R, Richards B and Hill C. Socioeconomic Differences in Opioid Use by People with Inflammatory Arthritis: data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Cabrini Research Week; 2019; Melbourne.
Fletcher A, Lassere M, March L, Buchbinder R, Lester S, Barrett C, Carroll G, Black R, Richards B and Hill C. Socioeconomic Differences in Opioid Use by People with Inflammatory Arthritis: data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). APLAR-ARA 2019; Brisbane
Fletcher A, Staples M, Hill C, Lassere M, March L, Carroll G, Barrett C, Chand V and Buchbinder R. Use of Oral Complementary Medicine in Inflammatory Arthritis: Data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting; 2018; Chicago, USA.
Fletcher A, Lassere M, Black R, Barrett C, Carroll G, Lester S, Richards B, March L, Buchbinder R and Hill C. Socioeconomic Differences in Opioid Use by People with Inflammatory Arthritis. ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting; 2018; Chicago, USA.
Fletcher A, Staples M, Hill C, Lassere M, March L, Henderson L, Carroll G, Barrett C, Chand V, McPhee J and Buchbinder R. Use of oral complementary medicine in inflammatory arthritis: data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2018;48 (Suppl 4):11.
Fletcher A, Henderson L, Staples M, Chand V, Buchbinder R, Hill C, Lassere M, Carroll G, Barrett C and March L. Real-world experience with apremilast in an Australian cohort of people with psoriatic arthritis: prospective follow-up of participants in the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2018;48 (Suppl 4):13.
Leonardo N, Lester S, M. G, Whittle S, Rowett D, Buchbinder R and Hill C. Attitudes of rheumatoid arthritis patients to methotrexate. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2018;48 (Suppl 4):12.
March L, Willers C, Ellis J, Cobb J, Lester S, Buchbinder R, Wechalekar M, Munro J, Benham H, Jackson C, Xue M, Hill C, Kenna T, Keen H, Perera C, Hassett G, Singh-Grewal D, Richards B, Lassere M, Youssef P, Lim I, Walsh P, Thomas R, Brown M, Adib N, Barrett C, Ng J, Rischmueller M, Boros C, Proudman S, Chessman D, Sinnathurai P, Oakley S, Chaitow J, Dowdie P, Chafield S, Inouye M, Kubler P, Tymms K, Kelly A, Tsai T, Raj A, Khoo K, Hannan R, Ninan J, Pontifex E and Murray K. The Australian Arthritis and Autoimmune Biobank Collaborative (A3BC) protocol (A3BC) protocol. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2018;48 (Suppl 4):24.
Black R, Lester S, Buchbinder R, Barrett C, Lassere M, March L,Whittle S, Hill C. Factors association with oral glucocorticoid use in patients with rheumatoid arthritis enrolled in the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2017;47 (Suppl. 2):5–41.
Richards B, Black R, Lester S, Buchbinder R, Lassere M, March L, Hill C. Factors association with commencing and ceasing opioid therapy in a population-based cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2017;47 (Suppl. 2):5–41.
Sinnathurai P, Halls S, Hewlett S, Orbai A, Bartlett S, BuchbinderR, Henderson L, Hill C, Lassere M, March L. Exploring dimensions of stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis: The Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) OMERACT stiffness survey. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2017;47 (Suppl. 2):5–41.
Staples M, March L, Lassere M, Buchbinder R. Australian rheumatoid arthritis biologic treatment pathways: An Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) analysis. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2017;47 (Suppl. 2):5–41.
Staples M, Lassere M, March L, Hill C, Buchbinder R. Malignancy risk in Australian rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy: An update from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) prospective cohort study. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2017;47 (Suppl. 2):5–41.
Sinnathurai P, Capon A, Buchbinder R, Chand V, Henderson L, Lassere M, March L. The Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) heart health survey: Management of cardiovascular risk factors in rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2016;46 (Suppl. 2):5–50.
Richards B, Buchbinder R, Lassere M, March L. Prevalence of pain, its impact and management in a population-based cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2015;45 (Suppl. 2):1–46.
Sinnathurai P, Lassere M, Buchbinder R, March L. Baseline characteristics of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) form the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2015;45 (Suppl. 2):1–46.
March L, Chen J, Makovey J, Lassere M, Buchbinder R. Comparing effectiveness of anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) drugs on patient reported health-related quality of life among Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) patients with inflammatory arthritis (RA, PsA and AS). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2013;43 (Suppl. 2):9–33.
Segan J, Staples M, Chand V, March L, Lassere M, Buchbinder R. Do tomour necrosis factor inhibitors increase the risk of herpes zoster in people with rheumatoid arthritis? A cohort study. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2013;43 (Suppl. 2):1–6.
Kydd A, Chen J, Makovey J, Chand V, Buchbinder R, Lassere M, March L. Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) patients in the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD) have poorer health-related quality of life if they are current smokers. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2012;42 (Suppl. 1):9–35.
Kyprianou K, Buchbinder R, Chand V, Staples M, Lassere M, March L, Akikusa J. Use of biological disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis - a review of the Australian Rheumatology Association Database. ​ Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2012;42 (Suppl. 1):9–35.
Van Doornum S, Staples M, Lassere M, March L,Buchbinder R. Non-melanoma skin cancer risk is increased in Australian RA patients treated with TNF antagonist therapy. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2012;42 (Suppl. 1):1–6.
Williams B, March L, Buchbinder R, Reid C, Staples M, Lassere M. Risk and predictors of hospitalisation in rheumatoid arthritis patients on biological therapies: Results from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2012;42 (Suppl. 1):9–35.
Oldroyd J, Staples M, Buchbinder R, Lassere M, Reid C, Murphy B, Henderson L, van den Haak R, Hay N, Bond M, March L. Arava use in an Australian population-based cohort of patients with Inflammatory Arthritis: Data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2009;39 (Suppl. 2):A35–A82.
Staples M, Oldroyd J, Murphy B, van den Haak R, Henderson L, Hay N, Bond M, March L, Lassere M, Buchbidner R. Changes in health related quality of life for arthritis patients taking biological disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs: Data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2009;39 (Suppl. 2):A35–A82.
Briggs A, March L, Murphy B, Van den Haak R, Henderson L, Hay N,Oldroyd J, Wengier L, Lassere M, Buchbinder R. Evaluation of stakeholder satisfaction of the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2008;38 (Suppl. 2):A1–A36.
Schachna L, Oldroyd J, Buchbinder R, Staples M, Lassere M, Reid C, Briggs A, Zochling J, Murphy B, Henderson L, van denHaak R, Hay N, Bond M, March L. Comorbidities in an Australian population-based cohort of patients with ankylosing spondylitis commencing biological therapy: Data from the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Intern Med J. 2008;38 (Suppl. 2):A1–A36.
Briggs A, March L, Lassere M, Wengier L, van den Haak R, Henderson L, Reid C, Buchbinder R. Evaluation of selection bias in the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Int Med J. 2007;37 (Suppl. 2):A27–A62.
Briggs A, Wengier L, van den Haak R, L Henderson, March L, Lassere M, Reid C, Buchbinder R. Agreement between patient and rheumatologist reports of medication side effects and history of malignancy. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Int Med J. 2007;37 (Suppl. 2):A27–A62.
Briggs A, March L, Lassere M, Reid C, Portek I, Wengier L, van den Haak R, Henderson L, Buchbinder R. Baseline comorbidity in Australian patients receiving biological therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Int Med J. 2007;37 (Suppl. 2):A27–A62.
Briggs A, Staples M, March L, Lassere M, Reid C, Henderson L, Wengier L, van den Haak R, Buchbinder R. The rate of infection after six months of bDMARD therapy is greater than at initiation of therapy. Australian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Int Med J. 2007;37 (Suppl. 2):A27–A62.